Adam Skowyra RDN, LD Dietitian 2 Go Adam Skowyra RDN, LD Dietitian 2 Go

What Is the Best Diet For Our Health?

Fad diets are always popping up and tend to always tote the greatest success with each one. But we all know that none of them are really successful long term. With social media it’s even easier to get overwhelmed with trendy diets promising big results only to leave us empty handed.

Is there really any good diet advice out there or is really just everything in moderation and common sense?

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Adam Skowyra RDN, LD Dietitian 2 Go Adam Skowyra RDN, LD Dietitian 2 Go

Reducing Risk Of Disease With A Healthy Lifestyle and Diet

As we get older, we start to think more about our mortality. Something we didn’t give much thought to from childhood till about our thirties if not longer for some. But when those health problems start coming up and doctor visits become more frequent, it’s hard not to think about it. 

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Adam Skowyra RDN, LD Dietitian 2 Go Adam Skowyra RDN, LD Dietitian 2 Go

Slowing Down And Enjoying Our Food in A FAST-PACED World

Take a minute to think about the last thing you ate. Do you remember what it was? How about how it tasted, the texture of it, the smell of it, how it made you feel? Chances are you can remember what it was, but the rest may be a blur. 

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Adam Skowyra RDN, LD Dietitian 2 Go Adam Skowyra RDN, LD Dietitian 2 Go

It’s Time To Cut Back On Sugar

Sugar makes us feel good and we all eat way too much of it! Read on to find out the skinny on sugar and what you can do about it today to improve your health.

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Adam Skowyra RDN, LD Dietitian 2 Go Adam Skowyra RDN, LD Dietitian 2 Go

Empowering Positive Life Changes Through Crafting Your Ideal Self

Do you have a clear picture of what you want your future self to look like? If not, now is the time to start creating it. The first step is to think about what your ideal self would be. What do you want to be like? What kind of lifestyle do you want to have? Once you have a good idea of your ideal self, you can start making lifestyle changes to work towards it.

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Adam Skowyra RDN, LD Dietitian 2 Go Adam Skowyra RDN, LD Dietitian 2 Go

Preventing The Holiday Weight Gain

Pretty much everyone knows that the holidays come with a few extra pounds by the end of the year. However, this does not have to be the case and this year you can save your New Year's resolutions for something else! 

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Adam Skowyra RDN, LD Dietitian 2 Go Adam Skowyra RDN, LD Dietitian 2 Go

Eat More Plants For A Healthier Body

Knowing you should eat more plants is easy, but incorporating more plants into your meal becomes difficult at times. Many people start by adding a salad to their lunch or dinner. While this is a great way to incorporate many different colors it can get boring and not work for every meal.

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Adam Skowyra RDN, LD Dietitian 2 Go Adam Skowyra RDN, LD Dietitian 2 Go

Stress Eating? Put Out The Fire Within

Stress, whether physical or mental, can impact our health, weight, and even food choices. Stress in small amounts can be beneficial to the body. Physical stress from running or lifting weights helps our body become stronger. However, long-term daily stress can have the opposite effects.

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Adam Skowyra RDN, LD Dietitian 2 Go Adam Skowyra RDN, LD Dietitian 2 Go


Curcumin is the active ingredient found in turmeric that is responsible for its health benefits. A powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant, curcumin has great potential to maintain your health as you age.

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Adam Skowyra RDN, LD Dietitian 2 Go Adam Skowyra RDN, LD Dietitian 2 Go

Yo-Yo weight loss And How To Break The Cycle

Most people who find themselves in a yo-yo weight loss start off by following a rapid weight loss diet. If the initial weight loss is faster than the body has time to adjust for, there will be a lag. The plateau occurs when the body finally catches up to your new weight. Many things happen at this point but a major one is a decrease in your metabolic rate to reflect your now lighter body. 

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Adam Skowyra RDN, LD Dietitian 2 Go Adam Skowyra RDN, LD Dietitian 2 Go

Nutrition Strategies To Aid Recovery

Injuries happen no matter how careful we try to be sometimes, and we have very little control of what happens during the injury event. However, we do have control of what we do to recover from our injury. Regardless of it being an accident or medical (ex. surgery), there are several nutritional changes we can make to help our body recover. 

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Adam Skowyra RDN, LD Dietitian 2 Go Adam Skowyra RDN, LD Dietitian 2 Go

You Have The Power To Choose Healthy Foods

When you were a kid, a parent made pretty much all of your important decisions for you. No TV before homework was done, don’t run by the pool, no sweets before dinner, eat your vegetables, you get the idea.

When we become independent adults, we have to start making these decisions for ourselves. Unfortunately, we tend to be biased towards our wants more so than our body’s needs. 

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Adam Skowyra RDN, LD Dietitian 2 Go Adam Skowyra RDN, LD Dietitian 2 Go

The Dangers Of Highly Processed Foods

Unfortunately, all this convenience came with a cost. In order for the food items to be shelf stable, not cake up, maintain texture, etc., chemical additives had to be used. Not to mention the use of artificial flavors and colors.

Just take a look at the ingredients list of a highly processed food item and you’ll see a whole paragraph of added preservatives, flavors, stabilizers, colors, etc. 

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Adam Skowyra RDN, LD Dietitian 2 Go Adam Skowyra RDN, LD Dietitian 2 Go

The Whole Food Plant Based Diet

The newest diet movement in the last several years is to eat a whole food plant-based diet. However, what does it mean to eat whole food plant based? Is this a new name for a vegetarian or a vegan diet? The short answer is, yes it sort of is. The long answer is what this blog is about.

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Adam Skowyra RDN, LD Dietitian 2 Go Adam Skowyra RDN, LD Dietitian 2 Go

Insulin Resistance

When we consume sugar, insulin is released from our pancreas into our bloodstream. Insulin acts as both a key and a transporter for sugar to our cells that then use it as energy. Insulin resistance occurs when the body’s cells become resistant to the action of insulin. Unfortunately, there are rarely any recognizable symptoms until insulin resistance develops into type 2 diabetes.

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Adam Skowyra RDN, LD Dietitian 2 Go Adam Skowyra RDN, LD Dietitian 2 Go

The Healthier Side Of Summer Grilling

Increases in simple carbohydrates, saturated fat, sodium, and alcohol (for those that drink) are just half of the problems that come along with summer meals. It’s what’s missing from these meals that is the other half.

Decreased intake or none at all of fiber, healthy fats (mono- and poly-unsaturated) and nutrients (minerals, vitamins) is what really makes summer eating take a toll on the body.  

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Adam Skowyra RDN, LD Dietitian 2 Go Adam Skowyra RDN, LD Dietitian 2 Go

It’s More Than Just About Losing Weight

You probably have been hearing and seeing a lot of new ads about prescription weight loss drugs such as Wegovy. The good news is that these new drugs actually have promising results and for some outweigh the possible side effects. Unfortunately, they only offer a partial remedy to a more serious problem, the dangers of the Western diet.

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Adam Skowyra RDN, LD Dietitian 2 Go Adam Skowyra RDN, LD Dietitian 2 Go

Modulating Your Calories To Reflect Your Daily Activities

We need calories to fuel our body on a daily basis, however, we do not need the same amount everyday. Depending on your activities throughout the day, your calorie needs may increase or decrease. Unless you are consistent in your everyday activities, your calorie intake should fluctuate with each day.

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Adam Skowyra RDN, LD Dietitian 2 Go Adam Skowyra RDN, LD Dietitian 2 Go

Meal Planning To Keep You On Track

Planning gives us control and helps keep our life organized. Meal planning can help reduce stress and keep us on track to meet our goals. Whether you're looking to lose weight, gain weight or even maintain weight, meal planning keeps you on target. 

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