Increase Your Metabolism With Daily Activities

We all know we have to exercise to burn extra calories and lose weight. But what about all the daily activities we do regularly. Washing dishes, walking to work, going up stairs, cleaning, etc. All these activities of daily living burn calories as well in a process called NEAT, non-exercise activity thermogenesis. 

You may think that these activities don’t amount to much, but new research sheds more light on NEAT. Metabolic rates can differ up to 2,000 calories per day due to NEAT. That means 2 people of the same gender, age, height and weight can have drastically different metabolic rates. 

The following shows the increase in a person's metabolic rate for a given activity as compared to them lying down resting.

  • Sitting → 5-7% 

  • Standing → 10%

  • Folding clothes or washing dishes → 15%

  • Going for a leisurely stroll at about 1-1.5 mph → 100%

So, what’s this mean for me?

If you are the type that can’t sit still, then you are already benefiting from NEAT. However, if you have a sedentary job or don’t move much throughout the day, incorporating NEAT is a smart strategy. 

By simply increasing your non-exercise activity throughout the day you can increase your metabolic rate and calories burned each day. Establishing daily routines will create a consistent metabolic increase each day resulting in possible weight loss or weight maintenance. 

The key is staying consistent. If you only increase your NEAT every so often, it won’t amount to much in the long run. Aim to increase your NEAT daily.

Start with simple NEAT activities and then add on to them as you make progress.

  • Walk to the mailbox

  • Park in the back of the lot

  • Go through self checkout

  • Wash your car by hand

  • Vacuum daily

  • Stand up during commercial breaks or between episodes (for those streaming)

  • Activate the movement reminder on your smartwatch

Try to incorporate as many NEAT activities into your daily routine as possible. Make it a game by challenging yourself to weekly goals. Share your story on social media and encourage others to join your challenges. 

The Key Takeaway

NEAT or non-exercise activity thermogenesis is an underestimated way to boost your metabolic rate and daily calories burned. If you are trying to lose weight, increasing your NEAT can be an effective strategy.

Keep in mind that your diet has the greatest impact and increasing NEAT will not offset a poor diet. However, if you have already changed your diet and have found yourself stalled, increasing NEAT will prove beneficial. 

If you want a personalized diet plan contact me at or schedule your free 30 min consult with me today!

Written by: Adam Skowyra MPPD, RDN, LD


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