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Strategies To Reduce Your Hunger And Snacking

One of the biggest struggles during weight loss is the overwhelming hunger that comes along with reduced calorie intake. It can make or break even the most determined person and is a top reason why many diets fail long term. Luckily there are strategies that you can apply to reduce hunger and increase your long-term success.


In order to lose weight, you have to eat less calories than your body needs on a daily basis. Your body then uses its stored energy to make up the difference and you lose weight. Unfortunately, many people cut back their calories too much thinking it will result in quicker weight loss. After all, if a little of something is good then a lot should be better right?

Although the initial weight loss may be greater, limiting your calories too much leads to feelings of overwhelming hunger. You may find that you can get through the beginning of the day with a lot less calories but by the evening you're in the pantry grabbing any snack food available. As you continue with the extreme reduced calorie intake, you find yourself now craving something sweet or salty in the afternoon before lunch and then on your way home from work.

You cave, eat a few sweets, get mad at yourself for it and further restrict your calories to make up for the snacking. Now you find yourself having hunger pains, having mood changes and decide the diet wasn’t for you. The weight comes back, and you start the yo-yo cycle of weight loss. Check out the blog on yo-yo weight loss to find out more on this.

Tips to prevent the hunger

Eating less calories than you need is essential to weight loss, but there are strategies to help reduce your hunger while losing weight. Keep in mind that a slow steady weight loss of 2-5 pounds per month is ideal. You may find you lose more in the first month to two months then slow down a bit or even stall for a few weeks.

The key is to stay on track and keep following your plan. Avoid reducing your calories more or making drastic changes during this time. Stay consistent and follow these tips to keep hunger from ruining your weight loss.

  • Eat low-calorie high-volume foods that take up space in your stomach. Typically, vegetables are best, but these foods can be eaten in large amounts with very few calories. The space they take up stretches your stomach and tricks your brain into feeling full.

  • Eat fiber rich foods. Foods high in fiber like whole grains (wheat flour, brown rice) oatmeal, quinoa, vegetables and fruits slow the stomach from emptying them into your small intestine. This helps keep you feeling fuller for longer between meals. Check out the blog on fiber for more info.

  • Eat protein rich foods. Protein rich foods also help slow down your stomach from emptying into the small intestine. During weight loss you should aim for about 1g of protein per pound of body weight. Some may need more or less, and a dietitian can help you figure what amount is ideal for you. Aim for lean protein choices like white fish (cod, tilapia, flounder) and white meat (turkey, chicken, pork) to keep the calories down and protein high.

  • Drink a glass of water before eating. Drinking water helps fill up some of the stomach space and fills you up quicker with less food. Putting pressure on the stomach wall helps you feel full with less. Pair this up with low calorie high volume foods for a greater effect.

  • Don’t skip meals or restrict too many calories. Skipping meals leads to blood sugar dips and cravings for sweets. Cutting back too many calories too soon causes the body to respond with even more intense hunger. At one point even these tips don’t have a chance to fight back against your body’s need to survive. 

Hunger is normal and necessary

Hunger is a sensation that is often demonized but essential to keep us alive. Imagine if you never felt hungry, you would have no drive or need to eat. You would have to set reminders to eat throughout the day or end up starving yourself.

Learning how to work with hunger and not against it is the key to long term success. Use the tips to help keep you track and be consistent in your day to day. Remember that exercise plays an important role in weight loss as well and should be a part of your daily plan. If you are ready to make long term successful changes in your life, schedule a free consultation to get started today! 

Written by: Adam Skowyra MPPD, RDN, LD