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Eating Out While Losing Weight

Going to a restaurant is a fun experience and is a great way of trying new foods and cuisine. However, eating out can lead to overconsumption and weight gain in the long run. Depending on where you go to eat and what you choose, the calories can add up quickly to over one day's intake in one meal. 

Losing weight and eating out

If you’re trying to lose weight, going out to eat can be a stressful experience. Even if you go to restaurants with “healthier” food options, the calories can rack up fast. Just think of a salad that seems it’ll be the right choice but has lots of toppings on it, a protein, and delicious dressing. 

You may think a salad is a healthier option over the fatty burger you just saw pass your table but there’s a good chance that salad has more calories. So how do you choose the right foods when going out to eat?

Luckily most restaurants today are adding calories next to the menu options. If they are not available on the menu, many places have printed calorie counts available at request. If you know what your daily calorie intake and macro distribution is then you can quickly choose a good option. A dietitian can help you determine your daily calorie intake and macro needs. 

If nutrition info is not available at the restaurant, there are other ways to keep yourself on track. 

  • Drink water and skip the soda and alcohol

  • Avoid appetizers, these tend to be fried and higher in calories

  • Choose foods without heavy or rich sauces and creams

  • Avoid carb heavy meals and choose protein rich meals instead

  • Choose baked, grilled, or sauteed foods

  • Choose lighter sides such as veggies and side salads

  • Split the meal with your friend/partner/kid or save half for leftovers the next day (many places will split the meal for you if asked)

Keep in mind that if you are going out to eat for a special occasion it’s okay to enjoy a special meal. If you have been on track every day, one day will not derail your progress. However, if you go out to eat frequently, then sticking to the above guidelines will help you achieve your goals.

It’s more than just about the food

Eating is a social experience and there’s more to going out to eat than just the food. Gathering with friends and family for a meal allows us to get away from our busy lives and connect with one another. 

Instead of burying yourself in the menu then your plate of food, focus on connecting and catching up with the people you are with. Ordering something lighter and smaller will allow you to converse easier. 

Don’t forget the reason you met up with your family and friends to begin with. Slow down and enjoy the moment, the food is more of an addition in these situations and should not be the main focus. Keep in mind it’s okay to order a meal for all to split as a group as well. You’re not there to help maintain the restaurant's bottom line and should not feel pressured to do so. 

The key takeway

You can go out to eat while trying to lose weight. Following simple guidelines can help keep you from derailing your progress. Keep in mind if you seldom go out to eat one meal is not enough to throw you off track. 

Going out to eat is often a social experience and instead of focusing on the food, focus on the reason you met up with your friends and family to begin with. 

If you want help with learning how to eat out while losing weight and creating a game plan that works for you, send me an email at or schedule a consult with me today!

Written by: Adam Skowyra MPPD, RDN, LD