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Consistency And Persistence; the Secret To Success

When it comes to diet and health people are always looking for the secret to success, the magic pill. This has created a really profitable market for the supplement and health industry. Typically it’s some fad diet, new exercise routine, or even a new supplement with exotic ingredients. They all promise success and the people in the adverts all flaunt their success from the product. 

It’s easy to get caught up in the marketing. Afterall if it worked for them it has to work for me, right? Many give common sense explanations for complex problems that trick us into thinking it’s bound to work. Unfortunately, many of these “common sense answers” are not backed by any scientific proof. 

So what is the one key to success, the golden ticket that we strive to find? The answer is simple, consistency and persistence, but the application of it to your life is what is difficult. 

Why consistency and persistence works

Consistency is repeating something over and over. 

Persistency is continuing with your given task no matter the obstacles you may encounter along the way. 

We all have heard about the basketball star that spent countless hours shooting free throws to become great at it. Or the actor who stuck with it till they made it on the big screen. You probably have your own story of being consistent and persistent at some task to master it. 

If you only do something a few random times, you can’t expect to improve let alone master it. By staying consistent with your task day after day and being persistent despite the obstacles, you can achieve what you plan on. 

Utilizing the power of these actions

By now you have a good understanding that being consistent and persistent can help you achieve your goals. But we all know that incorporating something new into your life is a whole other challenge.

In order to take full benefit of these powerful actions, follow these tips to become consistent and persistent on the path to your goal/s.

  • Remind yourself first thing in the morning everyday why you are changing your diet or habits.

  • Tell and share with friends, family, coworkers, anyone close to you, about your goals and your progress along the way.

  • Put your daily activities on your calendar to ensure you make time for it. 

  • Bad days will happen, recognize it and accept it as a normal human trait not a fault. 

  • On tiring and stressful days, it’s easy to fall back on old habits. Remind yourself of your goal and remember that overcoming these obstacles strengthens your resolve.

  • Remember that it’s okay to give yourself a break occasionally. It can help prevent burn-out and feeling overwhelmed.

If you want help creating a plan for change, whether it’s eating healthier, losing weight, gaining muscle, or anything else, reach out to me at or schedule a meeting with me!

Written by: Adam Skowyra MPPD, RDN, LD